I am overly excited for the new Supernatural show The Gates i've been seeing the trailer for it constantly that makes me even more anxious.

Main Characters:
Nick Monahan: Meet Nick Monohan, the newest chief of police at The Gates. Tireless as a cop and a father, Nick is the sort of man who'll do anything to protect his family and bring to justice those who deserve it. As a former Chicago homicide detective, Nick is used to tough cases... but none of them have quite prepared him for the unexpected surprises he'll encounter in The Gates.
Sarah Monahan: Small town doctor and herbologist Peg Mueller is known for giving excellent personalized care to her patients. She's also known for her discretion – something certain residents in The Gates value above all else. Peg's non-traditional remedies are perfectly suited to the unique clientele she treats, and her kindess and wisdom make her a wonderful friend as well as doctor. In fact, the only person in The Gates who doesn't seem to adore Peg is former friend and student, Devon... though few know exactly how and why this rift began.
Charlie Monahan:Used to braving the halls of one of Chicago's toughest public schools, Charlie Monohan doesn't know what to make of the exclusive new school he finds himself at in The Gates. The fact that the move wasn't exactly his choice doesn't make matters any easier. A loner by nature, Charlie's content to keep to himself in this new community... with the possible exception of his budding friendship with Andie Bates.
Dylan Radcliff:Devoted husband and father, brilliant entrepreneur... Dylan Radcliff has it all. If only his wife's addiction and the secrets of their dark past together didn't constantly threaten to destroy everything. As a result, Dylan values privacy above all else, especially where his family is concerned. His loyalty and devotion to their well-being knows no limits.
Claire Radcliff:On the outside, Claire Radcliff is the perfect Gates housewife and mother. She has a beautiful home, a handsome husband, and a daughter she loves dearly. But beneath the flawless exterior, Claire is struggling with a... unique addiction. One that has the power to destroy her family and everything she holds dear if she fails to keep her urges in check.
Leigh Turner:The cat to Marcus Jordan's dog, Deputy Leigh Turner is all cool confidence. Always ready with a witty retort and a sharp observation, Leigh is a strong addition to The Gates police force. Though her confident exterior can intimidate some, those who get to know Leigh well may glimpse a more vulnerable side to her hiding beneath the surface.
Devon: Need a fabulous facial that might literally make you younger? Look no further than Devon. Owner of the only day spa in The Gates, she provides miracle cures for everything from crow's feet to stress. And all at very reasonable prices! The trouble with Devon, though, is that you never quite know what that price will be. Some call her two-faced. Some call her enterprising. But everyone calls her a powerful force within The Gates.
Andie Bates:
Know that girl who gets straight A's, has a great group of friends, runs eight clubs, dates a hot football player and is so darn nice you just can't hate her? That's Andie Bates. Naturally smart and kind to everyone, Andie's the quintessential girl-next-door. What she doesn't tell most people is that her protective father, Thomas, moved her to The Gates after her mom died in a tragic accident. Andie still struggles with this painful spot in her past, as well as her father's desire to keep her a little girl for as long as possible. (Stay away from my man!.)
Peg Mueller: Small town doctor and herbologist Peg Mueller is known for giving excellent personalized care to her patients. She's also known for her discretion – something certain residents in The Gates value above all else. Peg's non-traditional remedies are perfectly suited to the unique clientele she treats, and her kindess and wisdom make her a wonderful friend as well as doctor. In fact, the only person in The Gates who doesn't seem to adore Peg is former friend and student, Devon... though few know exactly how and why this rift began.
Marcus Jordan: Meet eager and energetic Deputy Marcus Jordan. His go-get-'em attitude and cheery disposition help Marcus to get along with nearly everyone he encounters in The Gates. Though he's not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed, Marcus makes up for it with his great work ethic. He's especially excited to learn from big city cop Nick Monohan, who is the new Chief of Police at The Gates.
Brett Crezski:Smart, good-looking, athletic -- Brett Crezski is the model Gates Academy student. Dating the beautiful girl-next-door Andie Bates doesn't hurt his image any either. But behind the near-perfect exterior, Brett struggles to control a part of his nature that's a little more... animalistic. As he navigates the waters of adolescence this darker side of Brett struggles to come out, threatening to hurt those around him if he isn't careful.
(Brett is so cute!)
All the bio's are from The Gates site at abc.