Saturday, July 31, 2010
In My Mailbox(19)
Posted by Jada at 10:54 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Book Blog Hop and Follow My Blog Friday(5)
Hey The Book Blog and Follow My Book Bog Hop starts today and again I will be participating
Posted by Jada at 7:32 AM 4 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Defiance Cover
Graves, she’ll have to go on a suicidal rescue mission
to bring him back in one piece.
That is, if she can put all of Christophe’s training to
good use, defeat her mother’s traitor, Anna, once
and for all, and manage to survive another day . . .
Posted by Jada at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
New Layout!
How do you like my new layout I love it now i need to find out how to make a button code because have the pictures just no code so if anyone can tell me how to make one I would really appreciate it.
Posted by Jada at 2:36 PM 6 comments
Mockingjay Book Trailer
Posted by Jada at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Non-Book Related
Hey have you heard about this scandalise video that was posted by a 11-year old girl her screen name Jessie Slaughter well if you haven't seen the video you should is down right shocking to see this young girl drop all of these cuss words and basically saying f u to all her haters I feel kinda sad for her know because she will properly be made funny of for this video her whole life and there have been people have given her death threat which completely cross the line I really wish she would have just said i will be the bigger person and not made video but like her father said she don goffed up lol=) also below is her hate video, the video her on Good Mouring America and the video of her havingg a emotion breakdown with her father in the backgrounds acting like a complete fool and people say he looks like the pringle man and I must agree they do have quite a resemblance.
Posted by Jada at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Entice Cover
For starters, well, Nick is dead. Supposedly, he’s been taken to a mythic place for warriors known as Valhalla, so Zara and her friends might be able to get him back. But it’s taking time, and meanwhile a group of evil pixies is devastating Bedford, with more teens going missing every day. An all-out war seems imminent, and the good guys need all the warriors they can find. But how to get to Valhalla?
And even if Zara and her friends discover the way, there’s that other small problem: Zara’s been pixie kissed. When she finds Nick, will he even want to go with her? Especially since she hasn’t just turned… She’s Astley’s queen.
Cover Comment: I so happy that Entice is coming this year I don't think I could have waited until January 2011 (that was the original date for Entice) I love how there all ways gold glitter on the covers for the Need series aka pixie dust this cover is pretty much just as awesome as the rest where.
Posted by Jada at 9:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
In My Mailbox(18)
For Review:
Plain Kate By Erin Bow(Finished Copy)
Thanks Scholastic!
Posted by Jada at 11:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Book Blog Hop and Folow My Book Blog Friday(4)
Today is Friday and now its for The Book Blog Hop and Follow My Book Blog Friday This is my 4 time participating in both these and if your a lover of books and want find people who share the same interested in books look no further.
Posted by Jada at 5:36 PM 2 comments
Why Would They Do This
Posted by Jada at 5:01 PM 1 comments
Posted by Jada at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Paranormalcy Book Tralier
This a pretty awesome book trailer!( Loves the music it made me dance a little)
Posted by Jada at 10:43 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Book Blog Hop and Follow My Blog Friday(3)
Hey hey! it is time for The Book Blog Hop and Follow My Blog Friday I love both of these it's a great way to meet new people and blogs. I'm a sorry last week that I did not follow back everyone last week I was really busy but I am going through the comments now and following.
I am looking forward to reading Mockinjay by Suzanne Collions I am sure that a billion others can;t wait to get there hands on it too. I only have one more month to go!
Posted by Jada at 9:07 PM 27 comments
The Soulstice Review
FTC: I received this book for review in return that I give a thoughtful and honest review.
The terrifying, nail-biting, and grossly intriguing sequel toThe Devouring.
It's been six months since Reggie first discovered and fought against the Vours, malicious and demonic beings that inhabit human bodies on the eve of the Winter Solstice.
The Vours still haunt Reggie, but only in her dreams-until one night, when an unexpected visitor turns her nightmares into reality.
The battle against evil continues in Soulstice, the second book in the thrilling The Devouring series, which School Library Journal called, "Comparable to books by R. L. Stine and Stephen King....A must-have for horror fans."
My feelings:The Soulstice gave me chills and thoroughly made me creeped out.I can not tell you how much I loved this book it was just a perfect balance of horror and action I remember while I was reading this how scared I was that I ran to room and closed my door just for a little extra safety although if the Vours did try to possess me it would not have been that hard because I a m sure they could smell my fear right away. I read the first book The Devouring last year almost around the time I decided to make this blog and I really did love it then but know that I see that the series can be continuously good I am a full out fan.In this second book in Devouring series it a few moths after the first book and now it is almost summer solstice and it is almost time for Reggie to end her freshmen year and go on summer break but Reggie starts having disturbing dreams and then when her little brother Henry tries too harm a school bully that causes Reggie to think something is up and when someone she thought see killed months ago wakes her up in the middle of the night offer her a deal and a possibly alliance she is to say the least at first is terrified but she must weigh her options.Holt has a true way of translating fear and horror on to the pages and I love that he can always find a way to throw a thrilling twist at you. Holt can also have it were the character fade to the back and have the plot drive the story and some do not like that but me on the other loved it because in unique books like this the characters do not have to dominate the book in order for the story to be great.another thing Holt has achieved in writing a series that is purely what says it is not some fluffy romance that is secretly packed inside no it is a true horror book that needs not mislead you .The ending is sad and surprising it get you think that it might just be happy end then it unveils into a nightmare of torture for are main character Reggie.
Overall: Soulstice is almost at top of my favorite book of all time list so if you have not read the The Devouring series than I suggest you do.
Posted by Jada at 11:37 AM 2 comments
Labels: Reviews
Across The Universe Cover
cargo aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed and expects
to awaken on a new planet, three hundred
years in the future. Never could she have known
that her frozen slumber would come to an end fifty
years too soon and that she would be thrust into
the brave new world of a spaceship that lives by its
own rules.
Amy quickly realizes that her awakening was no
mere computer malfunction. Someone—one of the
few thousand inhabitants of the spaceship—tried
to kill her. And if Amy doesn’t do something soon,
her parents will be next.
Now, Amy must race to unlock Godspeed’s hidden
secrets. But out of her list of murder suspects,
there’s only one who matters: Elder, the future leader
of the ship and the love she could never have
seen coming.
Cover Comment:This summary is intriguing and the cover fits perfectly it tells me almost more than the summary what the book will be about
Posted by Jada at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Covers
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Once Upon a Read-a-Thon Update/Wrap Up and Mini Challeges
Hey this is my first update for the the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon hosted by the sweet Lori Pure Imagination, Candance at Candace's Book Blog and Angela at Reading Angel. This is the last day for the read-a-thon.
Books read:
Solstice by Simon Holt- This book is awesome I should have my review up soon!
Low Red Moon by Ivy Devin-I stared a a few pages of this book it good so far I plan to finish it soon.
Hunger by Jakie Morse Kessler- I also read a few pages of this book I am trying to get in thi sI should this soon to it only 174 so that should be a easy read.
Mini Challeges:
Violet at The Eager Readers wants us to do the following.
We are giving away two books featuring couples we love, and all you have to do to be eligible for both prizes is to post about your favorite fictional couple and a crossover couple that you would like to see. A crossover couple is a pairing that brings together two characters from unrelated books. You can post your responses on your blog, facebook, or twitter & then share the links to your responses in the Mr. Linky boxes below so that we can all stop by to read about your choices. You are welcome to post about several of your favorite fictional couples and/or crossover couples, but each participant may only submit one link per mini challenge contest. If you answer both questions in a single blog post, please share that link in both of the Mr. Linky boxes below so that you will be entered in each half of this mini challenge. Thanks! One winner will be selected at random from each Mr. Linky list once the read-a-thon is over on July 14th, 2010 at 11:59 PM. (Note: This contest is international as long as the The Book Depository ships to your location. You can check that here.)
My Favorite Fictional Couple / Crossover Couple
I love Clary and Jace from the Mortal Instrument series there chemistry is undeniable and when they find out that they might be sister and bother I was so heartbroken because I knew that could never love each other like a bother and sister could. If I could have a cross I would choose Kelley from the wounderous Strange series and Kinnen from the Wicked lovely series I wonder how long that realsionship would last.
Kate at I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read wants us to do the following.
1. Choose a song (sung or instrumental) that represents a chapter that you are currently reading or have read during the read-a-thon thus far. If the book was turned into a movie, and this chapter was shown, what music would you want in the background to convey the emotion or environment.
2. List the book/author/chapter that you choose along with the song(s) you choose.
3. Give a quick synopsis about the chapter (No SPOILERS please!) or the circumstances that take place and why you chose the song to represent it.
I am curently reading Low Read Moon by Ivy Devlvin I am on chapter 1 and Avery is dealing with a great loss and she's having a little flashback of the day . I think All around me by Flyleaf is good for this chapter because of the emotions she's feeling.
In the comments tell me the name of a book or series that you would love to see get made into a movie or a TV show and your cast choices for the main characters. You can even make a little mini post if you want and post pics/links, go to, or just tell me your choices in the comments, it's up to you. Just make sure you post on the comments the links or your answer and leave an email address so I can contact you!!
Emma Roberts as Katniss
Willow Smith as Rue
Then come back here, and leave a comment with your post url, twitter link or whatever to be entered to win! (Don't forget to leave your email address, or make sure it's available in your blogger profile, if I can't contact you, you can't win!)
You read that right, entered to WIN! Any book of your choice, via Book Depo (so it's international!!!) up to a 20 dollar limit!
So, get out there, get searching...and later today, check back to see my very own entry, but don't worry, I can't win the prize!
Jenn at Book Crazy want us to do the following
We all have a favorite book, right?
We all have a favorite character, right?
What I want you to do, since I am a lover of all things music and photo related is to pick one - or both - and put them together!!
Does that make sense? HMM, lets see if I can explain better, basically pick your favorite book and/or character and pair it with a song and/or photo that reminds you of the person or setting in the book!
The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collions - here's two people I would love to be in The Hunger Games movies.
My favorite book right now is The Soulstice by Simon Holt( my real favorite book is The Hunger Games but i could think of any song for it.)
I choose The Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi I know that is a strange pick put i like kinda what his say expect for the first part of the song were his taking about being on drugs but the rest is good because Reggie is trying to protect her family and friend put she has to deal with the fear and the vours so she is trying to pursue peace and happiness by faceing the vours and her fears and even though Kid Cudi is dealing with his fears in a whole nother and Illegal way he still is tying to get to the happiness it wants. I also like the dream/space like feel!
Posted by Jada at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
In My Mailbox(17)
For Review:
Ascendant by Diana Peterfreund(This was a random because I haven't even read the first book in this series.)
Solstice by Simon Holt
Thank you to Julia and HaperTeen for sending me the books.
Posted by Jada at 9:10 PM 4 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Book Blog Hop and Follow My Blog Friday(2)
1. Suzanne Collins I love how see writes I remember reading the Huger Games last year and feeling like i never wanted the story to end that how I wished I felt about every book i've read.
2.Cassandra Clare I love that she always has a great plot in her books that always keeps me reading.
3.Kelley Armstrong she has great way of making her characters

Posted by Jada at 10:53 AM 5 comments
Book Traliers!
Falling Under-Gwen Hayes
Nightshade-Andrea Cremer
Torment -Lauren Kate
Posted by Jada at 6:53 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 3, 2010
In My Mailbox (16)
For Review:
Stork by Wendy Delsol
The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff
The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum(2 copy)
Golden spiral by Lisa Mangum(2 copy)
You Wish by Mandy Hubbard
Viral by Kathy Reichs
The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller
Wicked Girls by Stephanie Hemphill
Bright Young Things Sneak Peak by Anne Godberson
Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton
Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
Posted by Jada at 10:25 AM 9 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
2011 Book Covers!
This are some great covers for books coming out next year in 2011 some of them are not the final cover.I love Darkest Mercy and Blood and Flowers entrancing.
Summary: The Summer King is missingg; the Dark Court is bleeding; and a stranger walks the streets of Huntsdale, his presence signifying the deaths of powerful fey.
Aislinn tends the Summer Court, searching for her absent king and yearning for Seth. Torn between his new queen and his old love, Keenan works from afar to strengthen his court against the coming war. Donia longs for fiery passion even as she coolly readies the Winter Court for battle. And Seth, sworn brother of the Dark King and heir to the High Queen, is about to make a mistake that could cost his life.
Love, despair, and betrayal ignite the faery courts, and in the final conflict, some will win…and some will lose everything.
The exhilarating conclusion to Melissa Marr’s New York Times bestselling Wicked Lovely series will leave readers breathless.
Summary:Three years ago, Persia ran away from her drug-addict parents and found a home with the Outlaws, an underground theater troupe. With time, this motley band of mortals and fey, puppeteers and actors, becomes the loving family Persia never had, and soon Persia not only discovers a passion for theater but also falls in love with one of the other Outlaws. Life could not be more perfect.
Until an enemy makes an unfair accusation against the group and forces them to flee their world and hide in the neighboring realm of Faerie. But in Faerie, all is not flowers and rainbows. With bloodthirsty trolls, a hostile monarchy, and a dangerous code of magic, the fey world is far from the safe haven the Outlaws had hoped for....
Following up her critically acclaimed Serendipity Market, Penny Blubaugh has created a beautiful and mysterious world where anything can happen—especially what you least expect.
Summary:Kimberly Derting masterfully combines spine-tingling chills and breathtaking romance in this gripping follow-up to The Body Finder.
Super-smartie Kate Grable gets to play doctor, helping out her high school football team. Not only will the experience look good on her college apps, she gets to be thisclose to her quarterback crush, Aaron. Then something disturbing happens. Kate finds out that the coach has given the team steroids. Except . . . the vials she finds don’t exactly contain steroids. Whatever’s in them is turning hot gridiron hunks into mindless, flesh-eating . . . zombies.
Unless she finds an antidote, no one is safe. Not Aaron, not Kate’s brother, not her best friend .
. . not even Kate . . .
It’s scary. It’s twisted. It’s sick. It’s high school.
Summary:In the year 2150, being a girl isn’t necessarily a good thing, especially when your sixteenth (read sex-teenth) birthday is fast approaching. That in itself would be enough to make anyone more than a little nuts, what with the tattoo and all – but Nina Oberon’s life has taken a definite turn for the worse. Her mother is brutally stabbed and left for dead. Before dying, she entrusts a secret book to Nina, telling her to deliver it to Nina's father. But, first Nina has to find him; since for fifteen years he's been officially dead. Complications arise when she rescues Sal, a mysterious, and ultra hot guy. He seems to like Nina, but also seems to know more about her father than he’s letting on. Then there’s that murderous ex-government agent who’s stalking her, and just happens to be her little sister’s dad."
Summary:When her mother is killed in a car accident, Michele Windsor has no choice but to move in with the wealthy grandparents she's never met in New York. Disillusioned by their coldness, Michele retreats into her room, where she discovers her great-great-aunt's journal--and, once she touches its pages, finds herself hurtled back in time.
In the glamorous Gilded Age, Michele learns that a wedding is coming up between the Windsors and another prominent family, the Walkers. But when Michele attends a party, something miraculous happens: while almost no one can see her in this era, one gorgeous young man with sparkling blue eyes can. Drawn together by mutual attraction, the two bond over music and the parents they've recently lost. But when the party is over, Michele learns the truth--the man she just fell for is Phillip Walker. And she, unknowingly, has just inspired him to call off his wedding to her great-great-aunt, prompting a family feud that will last for generations.
As Michele travels back and forth in time, she and Phillip meet over and over, always frustrated by their inability to have more than a few hours together. Michele knows she should try to make a life in the present, but none of the boys at school can hold a candle to Phillip. Finally, Michele tries to end their romance altogether--spurring a tragedy that transcends generations. Has Michele destroyed her chances for happiness? Or is her love for Phillip . . . timeless?
Summary:In this first book of a thrilling trilogy about angels, one girl must choose between fulfilling her Purpose and following her heart.
Clara has known she was part–angel ever since she turned fourteen two years ago. But now she is finally getting visions of what her Purpose—a rite of passage for every part–angel—is to be, and it happens to involve a gorgeous guy. Of course, there is the raging forest fire surrounding them, too. When Clara’s Purpose leads her family to Wyoming, Clara finds the boy of her visions, Christian, but complicating her mission are her growing feelings for another guy, Tucker. As the day in her visions draws closer, Clara discovers that her Purpose may play into a larger struggle between angels and Black Wings—fallen angels who spread sadness and misery wherever they go. But when the fire erupts and both Christian and Tucker are in danger, who will she choose to save?
From debut novelist Cynthia Hand comes a riveting tale full of supernatural powers, forbidden romance, and the choice between fulfilling your destiny or following your heart.
Summary:Maya lives in a small medical-research town on Vancouver Island. How small? You can’t find it on the map. It has less than two-hundred people, and her school has only sixty-eight students—for every grade from kindergarten to twelve.
Now, strange things are happening in this claustrophobic town, and Maya's determined to get to the bottom of them. First, the captain of the swim team drowns mysteriously in the middle of a calm lake. A year later, mountain lions start appearing around Maya's home, and they won’t go away. Her best friend, Daniel, starts getting negative vibes from certain people and things. It doesn't help that the new bad boy in town, Rafe, has a dangerous secret—and he's interested in one special part of Maya's anatomy: Her paw-print birthmark.
When beautiful Princess Victoriana comes to stay at the hotel, Johnny is thrilled when Victoriana invites him to her suite. There she tells him that her brother has been turned into a frog, and that she needs his help finding him in the Florida Keys. Johnny thinks she is crazy and does not believe her,
until she gives him a magical cloak that immediately transports him to another location. Armed with the cloak and a magical earpiece that can help him talk to other transformed humans Johnny sets out to save the Prince ..
Summary:When Jill, a competitive high school fencer, goes with her family on vacation to the Bahamas, she is magically transported to an early eighteenth century pirate ship in the middle of the ocean.
Summary:Sixteen-year-old Tansy Piper moves with her grandfather and her mother, a horror writer, to the setting of her mother's next book--a secluded house outside of a tiny, desolate West Texas town. Lonely and upset over the move, Tansy escapes into her photography and the dark, seductive poems she finds hidden in the cellar, both of which lure her into the mind and world of a mysterious, troubled young man who died sixty years earlier.
Summary:Azalea and her younger sisters dance in the mysterious silver forest every night, escaping from the sadness of the palace and their father’s grief. What they don’t understand—although as time passes they begin to get an inkling of the danger they are in—is that the mysterious and dashing Keeper is tightening his snare with deadly purpose. Luckily, Azalea is brave and steadfast. Luckily, a handsome young army captain also has his eye on Azalea. . . . Lush, romantic, and compelling, this debut novel by Heather Dixon will thrill fans of Shannon Hale, Robin McKinley, and Edith Pattou.
Summary:The first book in a dark, edgy new angel series about a girl who finds herself forced to choose sides in the battle between fallen angels, even if that means going against the boy she loves.
When Ellie Faneuil first sees Michael Chase she feels an instantaneous connection. But she does not realize how much they have in common, including the ability fly and to see what others are thinking - not to mention a taste for blood. Reveling in their new powers and their growing feelings for each other, Ellie and Michael are determined to uncover what they are, and how they got this way ... together.
But the truth has repercussions neither could have imagined. Soon they find themselves center stage in an ancient conflict between fallen angels that threatens to destroy everything they love. And it is no longer clear whether Ellie and Michael will choose the same side.
In this electrifying novel Heather Terrell spins a gripping tale of soul-mates, supernatural powers and a truth that will change Ellie and Michael‘s world forever.
Summary:Freak. That’s what they called seventeen year-old Donna Underwood in high school after a horrific fey attack that killed her father when she was just a child. Her injuries and rehabilitation resulted in magically enhanced strength, thanks to the iron tattoos branding her hands and arms. As a child of the alchemists, she is both blessed and cursed with a magical heritage that doesn't leave much room for boys, parties and homework.
Now, after ten years of wishing for a normal life, she finally has to accept her role in the centuries-old war against the darkest outcasts of Faerie: the Dark Elves. Aided by a gorgeous half-fey dropout, Donna must race to save her best friend’s life - even if it means betraying one of the world’s greatest secrets and confronting the very thing that destroyed her family.
Posted by Jada at 11:35 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Shadow Hills Contest
Anastasia Hupcus is a contest over at her blog you can win 1 signed or personalized hardcover of Shadow Hills and 1 signed bookmark, 2 unsigned bookmarks, 2 SH buttons and 1 SH magnet. It ends July 9.
Posted by Jada at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Follow My Blog Friday and Book Blog Hop
Posted by Jada at 8:46 PM 14 comments
Eclipse Movie
My feelings: I saw this yesterday at the 12:00 movie premiere it was beyond amazing there was some much more action and sexy werewolf Jacob was shirtless in many more scenes god he is delicious I am know planing a way to stalk/meet him I really do wish all my posters of Taylor Launter/Jacob would come alive.There are a few new characters we get to see" Riley who is played by Australian actor Xavier Samuel, Leah Clearwater who is played by Julia Jones and also Seth Clearwater who is play by Boo Boo Stewart(That's not his real name I read that his real name is Nils).when the movie was over my friend and I where in her fathers car and we started to yell out the window"Jacob" and a group of people yelled back Woo or Yeah I can't remember but it was as you can see I am all the way Team Jacob I'm sorry Edward y ou ain't got nothin on Jacobs abs of steel.
Overall: If you are a Twi-Hard(I've been a Twi-Hard since the beginning) or just a regular fan of the Twilight series I suggest you go see Eclipse you will most likely love or enjoy it.
Posted by Jada at 5:13 PM 2 comments
Tempestuous Cover
Summary:none yet
Cover comment: I am a fan of the series and I love how they always have a beautiful red head in a elegant gown or dress I think it fits Kelley perfectly.
Posted by Jada at 3:12 PM 0 comments